Friday, November 02, 2012

Shaping your mindset

I think our experiences in life has a lot of effect on the kind of mindset we have. It is driven by our realities and experiences. Sometimes you have to try something new in order to get a new perspective. If lucky, you will meet the right person who can influence your mindset in a big way.

For me, in 2012, that person would be Coach Jim Saret whose teachings - through what I see in him, rather than what he says, made me sharpen the saw in the area of physical intelligence.

I believe that keeping our mind and heart open to other people can pave the way for new learnings. Some are good. Some are bad. Some may even hurt us in the process. But in the end, they all have the capacity of changing our mindset in life.

With that, I definitely look forward attending The Power of Mindset. An upcoming event this November 14, 2012 at Victory Center, 4th Level V-Mall, Greenhills San Juan with Chinkee Tan as the motivational speaker. 

I first heard of Chinkee Tan in an event when I was still head of the Philippine Internet Commerce Society. PICS had one e-commerce learning session activity then done in partnership with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was talking about business opportunities in e-commerce. 

With Chinkee's experience in various business, personal hardship, rising above various challenges, and now as a motivational speaker, I think it will be interesting to learn more from him and his take on developing one's mindset.

As a bonus, I also look forward hearing what Francis Kong has to say. Heard him once in an entrepreneur event a long time ago and the man really knows how to hold everyone's attention without using any presentation material.

I am sure the learnings from both Chinkee and Francis will be very beneficial to anyone interested to learn more about improving one's mindset.

So if you are also interested in coming, you can register online and pay through 7/11 or MLhuillier.

It may also interest you to follow Chinkee Tan via Twitter and get some positive idea tweets once in awhile.

See you there!